Moissanite vs. Diamonds: Breaking Down the Myths

The age-old debate between moissanite and diamonds has been the subject of many discussions. But as we move towards a more conscious and informed world, it's essential to break down the myths and get to the facts.

Brilliance & Fire: One of the first things you'll notice about moissanite is its incredible sparkle. Thanks to its high refractive index, moissanite often outshines diamonds, especially in certain lights.

Durability & Longevity: Moissanite measures 9.25 on the Mohs scale, making it one of the hardest gemstones. This means it's not just beautiful; it's also durable, perfect for everyday wear.

Ethical & Sustainable: The diamond industry has been plagued with ethical issues, from conflict diamonds to environmental degradation. Moissanites, being lab-grown, sidestep these issues, offering a more ethical and sustainable choice.

In conclusion, while diamonds have their charm and history, moissanites offer a modern, ethical, and equally beautiful alternative. As we move towards a more conscious future, the choice becomes clear.

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